Saturday, March 3, 2012

Would you be mine?

Chapter 5

After Gyuri-sooyoung’s date…

Sooyoung…at her own house…

It was raining heavily outside and I already send gyuri home. I did stay at her house for awhile…

Flash back….
At Gyuri’s house…

When I send gyuri home in front of her door, I said a few words to her…

“so, are you having fun today?” I smile to her.

“of’course…” gyuri smile to me.

Both of us silent for awhile, It was kinda awkward. I scratch my back hair and turn around to look at the surrounding house. Gyuri felt awkward too, she was looking at her nails and looks somewhere else. It was so damn quiet, I can only hear the sound of crickets. Its night time and it’s raining a bit.I broke the silence and said…

“so, um-em…I think I better go?” I said to her, I can’t take the silence between us.

Suddenly she came closer to me and hold my hand, pulled me inside her house. I follow her lead and close the front door. Once we were inside, she helps me take off my jacket and let it hanging at the nearby closet. She look into my eyes, it was an intense stare. We didn’t say anything but we keep staring into each other’s eyes. Her face came closer when I pulled her closer by the waist. She leans in for a kiss on my lips with her hands around my shoulder. She didn’t kiss abruptly, it was slowly and sentimental. A few minutes after that, she broke the kiss and said..

“I think you better go…” she smiled to me while padding my shoulder.

“okay then…” I let go of her waist and stand inches away from her.

“Goodnight…” I continue and then give a bow to her.

She grabs my arm softly and whispers…

“I will text you later…” she smiled. I reply with a smile and nodded.

I take my jacket from the closet and walk outside the house. I give another bow and then run into the heavy rain and to my car. I see her lean her arm on the side door while waving to me. I wave my palm to her and drove away..

End flashback…

When I came home, I was soaking wet due to the heavy rain. I change my cloths and dry my hair with a small towel. When I look at my phone, Seohyun text me she’s having late night classes and she let Yuri take care of Kyungsan for today.

I give a call to yuri…



“hello? Yul, is kyungsan with you?”

“yeah, don’t worry he’s asleep right now…where were you just now? Seems like you were in a rush…” she said in a whisper tone.

“I forgot that today I have a mission that Hara gave me the other day…” I sighed.

“…don’t worry, it’s already done. Can you take care of Kyungsan for today? I will come pick him up tomorrow” I said to Yuri.

“Are you out of your damn mind?! He’s your baby, not mine! You are the one who should take care of him! Besides, I don’t really know these kinds of things…” she protested.

“oh,really? I guess that’s why the baby fall asleep uh?” I sarcastically said to her.

“You don’t know how hard it is for me to put him to sleep few hours ago! It’s was very hard, you know! I can’t do breast feeding okay!” Yuri shouts through the phone.

“You don’t have to shout! I’m not deaf!” I shout back to her.

“Fine! If you can’t handle him, I will sleep over to your house tonight…” I said to her.

“Wait-WHAT?! Why??” Yuri suddenly started to panic.

“to take care of Kyungsan, of’course…” I confused.

“why can’t you just take him back home with you??”

“Yul, you should know that I don’t know these kind of things. I might end up not feeding him anything! Oh,yul…Do you hate kyungsan that much?”

“I don’t hate him, soo…it’s just that—“she suddenly paused.

“it’s just that—what?” I said back to her. She silent for awhile and said…

“aish! Don’t you remember what happen the other day? Between me and you??” she asks me suddenly.

“the other day? Yeah, I remember…what about it?”

“Are you sure? You remember? Then, tell me what happen ‘the other day’?” she asks me.

“well, lets see…you kissed me the other day in front of my clients, that cause—“

“not that! It’s way before that…”

“oh, that stuff…yeah, I remember, the other day in the car, right?” I said to her spontaneously.

“y-yeah…” she stuttered.

“so? What about it?”


“For god’s sake! Yul! For the last time, I’m not deaf! PLEASE! Don’t shout!”

“…And For Your Information, I don’t give a damn about what happen between us! It happens because I purposely touch you right? So, don’t worry, I won’t touch you…even the slightest!” I said to her strictly.

“fine!, don’t blame me if something happens between us AGAIN! Blame it on yourself! Now get your ass right here NOW!”

“I was about going to go there, okay! Don’t try telling me what to do, you aren’t my boss!”


“fine!”I hung up on her.


At Gyuri-Hara’s house..


I sighed when I drive back home with a heavy heart. Now that I see with my own eyes, Gyuri is the same as the others imperfect human beings I have ever been with. Of course, a beautiful girl like her, who wouldn’t want her? I don’t expecting her to be perfect but I was hoping at least she did be loyal to me but she wasn’t…

So I drove my car in the garage and turn off the highlights. I walk to the front door and didn’t expect that she was standing there waiting for me.

“hey, you are home…” she smile to me

“yeah, I’m home…” I said to her with an awkward smile.

She put her arms around my waist and about to kiss me on the lips but I retreat my face away from her and said…

“sorry, I’m just tired...can we do it later?” I walk away from her.

I can see the disappointment in her face. I have to avoid her for a few hours. So, I won’t pour my anger to her. I went to my room and change my cloths into black lingerie. I went straight to bed, I didn’t sleep instead I just lied down my head and thinking, where could I do wrong to make her two-timing like that? Suddenly I heard a knock on the door…

Knock, knock…

“Darling, are you asleep?” Gyuri came in the room and ask me.

“nope…just lying down”

“em-um, can we talk a little? I miss you a lot today…” she’s nervous, I can sense it in her voice.

“Sure, what is it?” I sit up straight with my back facing her. I didn’t turn around to her.

She came closer, i heard the sheets are being push down on the bed. When she was right behind my back, she back hug me while her arms went around my shoulder. I didn’t move an inch, truthfully I feel disgusted when her skin touch mine even the slightest, I flashback when she was arm-locking with sooyoung earlier and imagine that she let Sooyoung wrap her arms around her body.

“why are you so moody today? Is there something wrong?” she whispers in my ear.

“Yeah…Something happen today but I don’t want to talk about it…”

“You? Why are you being so lovable today? Did something happen? ” I turn my head a little bit to face her.

“I just happen to miss you today…Very…did you had dinner already?” she ask me while letting my shoulder go.

“nope, not yet…I don’t have my appetite right now” I didn’t turn around to her.

“well…let’s eat dinner together then, you won’t let me eating dinner alone, will you?” she chuckled.

Seeing her smile and hear her cute voice, I can’t help but smile back and forgot all the things I see earlier today. I guess it becomes a habit, her smile is all I need to brighten my day, her voice is just I need to make me laugh. Even though we sometimes do fight, but in the end I’m the one who will apologize even if it’s her fault. I’m just too afraid to lose her and I just want to see her happy, that’s all…

Maybe I should just get along with the flow…until the right time comes to let her go….


Next morning…


I walk down stairs after a goodnight sleep last night and feed myself with some breakfast. I’m only wearing a large white silk-transparent shirt with long sleeve, I also wearing short hot pants.
As usual my breakfast will be drinking milk and eating few biscuits. We didn’t have any classes for the whole today, so I was planning to pay a visit to the ‘beauties’ today. I was pretty curious about how the club looks like. Moreover, the girl named ‘Choi Sooyoung’ did invite me to the club right? So, I decided to call her first…


“hello?” a voice answered.

“may I speak to urgh-um…” I look back to the card that was given to me, I try to pronounce her name.

“choi sooyoung?” the person in the phone answered it for me.

“yeah, that’s the name! May I speak to her please?”

“This is Choi sooyoung, can I know who is calling?”

“um-em…t-this is….J-jessica Jung…t-the one at the re-restaurant? ” I started to stuttered.

Argh! Why am I so nervous?...

“oh,yeah…the blonde girl, right? How are you, Ms. Jung? I didn’t expect you to call me, truthfully…” she said in a relax tone.

“y-yeah, I was k-kinda bored….s-so, I just happen to c-call you.. I guess” I try to maintain my tone.

“oh,okay…so, what brings you to call me, Ms. Jung? Do you need something?”

“j-just wanna ask you…are you f-free t-today? I mean…d-do you have any clients?” I was still stuttering.

“yeah, I have clients for the next few hours, why?” she ask me

“I m-might pay you a visit later...”

“okay…but you might still have to pay though….”

“yeah, I know….so, how much is it?”

“$2,000 per person…”


“of ‘course…I’m not cheap, you know…I will give a discount, if you come here, deal?”

“really? don’t lie, arrasso?”

“ye, arrasso…promise!”

“okay…I will come there later…”

“I will be expecting you…” she hung up.


At the beauties club…


I was standing outside the club and lift my head up to see the big colorful board with designs that match the aura which says ‘Beauties’. So, I walk to the entrance and push the auto door. By the time, I walk in, I was a little bit mesmerized by the atmosphere, I was stunned.

“Miss? Madam?”

“uh?” I shook my head to snap myself out.

“May I help you? Do you have an appointment with the beauties?” a boyish girl approached me.

“y-yeah…”I stuttered.

“With whom?” she asks again.

Suddenly there’s a tall figure walk to our direction with a stunning short hair, wearing white shirt in the inside and cover with a black jacket with her name on the side, ‘choi sooyoung’.

“let me take it from here…” she grab the girl’s shoulder.

“okay,boss…” the girl walk away.

After the girl walk away, sooyoung stand in front of me and give me a slight bow. She said…

“hello, ms. Jung…nice to see you again…” she give a toothy grin to me.

“nice to meet you again too…” I didn’t turn to her. I was really nervous, that I can’t even face her.

“so,shall we?”

She lends a hand to me, I was hesitating at first, in the end, I put my palm on hers. She holds my hand and pulled me to a small room, the light was dimmer than the outside, it was violet in color. The red sofa was attached to the wall and the room was in a rounded shape.

“please, take a seat…” she said

So, when I take a seat and put my purse beside me, she was looking through a small window on the door. She covers the small window with a small plastic board that says ‘please, don’t disturb’. I was getting more nervous, when she covers the window.

What is she trying to do to me in this room?

So, she walks to me and sit beside me really close, close enough that my shoulder touches her chest, since she has a tall figure. Her hand went around my waist slowly, the expert thing about her is. She isn’t hesitates when putting her hand around my waist. While I was trembling, when her skin touches mine, I look at her hands movement to my waist while keeping my arrogant face expression to her.

“Who ask you to touch my waist?” I coldly ask her.

“oh, I’m sorry… if I offended you, ms. Jung…I didn’t mean to” she suddenly back away from me.

“is this how the way you use to seduced your clients, ms. Choi?” I coldly ask her again.

“urm-uhhhh….urmm…” she started to get nervous.

“do you think I’m some kind of a bitch that can be touch easily?” I started to get up from my seat and grab my purse.

“I’m out of here…” I said to her.

When I was about to get out from the room, she grab me by the arm. I turn around to look at her.

“I’m sorry, ms. Jung…I was only doing my job…please don’t leave..” she lower her head.

I didn’t say anything. I just give a big sighed and sit back down while crossing my arms and legs. I turn my face away from her. She sighed and said…

“What do you want me to do, ms. Jung? You came here and pay us…yet you don’t want any ‘services’ from me. What do you expect me to do? Do you really want to leave without getting ‘satisfies’ from our services?” she said to me suddenly.

I turn to look at her while widen my eyes, I was literally shock from her words. When I was about to say something…she said…

“I did tell you earlier that if you came to see me, you have to pay right?”

“You didn’t say that if I come to see you, you will have ‘seduced’ me right?” I snapped back.

“well, that’s true…but-“

“ ‘but’ what? it’s your fault for not telling me the details….”

We went silent for a while. Then she suddenly stands up…

“okay, I’m sorry for being inappropriate to you, ms. Jung…you can leave if you want to…” she bow an apology to me.

“I will pay for this session with my own money or they can cut from my payday…I’m really sorry about this…” she continues while still bowing.


At the club…


“I will pay for this session with my own money or they can cut from my payday…I’m sorry for this again” I bow to jessica.

She stands up from her seat and stand not far from where I am, while I’m still bowing in front of her.

“Stand up straight...” she said to me suddenly.

“wha-what?” I lift my head a little and stand straight.

I stand straight on my place, I look at her and didn’t say anything. She stares at me for a while and sighed…

“you don’t have to cut it from your payday…I will pay for it…” she said to me.

“no, it’s okay, ms. Jung …it’s my fault for making you mad…so, I have to take responsibility for my actions…”

“it’s my fault too, you know… I should have known that this club involves doing anything for the sakes of your clients’ money…” jessica look at me with a disappointed look.

She look into her purse, “here…take it..” and pass a roll of money to me.

“well, I think I better go…nice meeting you again, ms.Choi…” she smile to me and walk away.

“wa-wait…” I grab her by her arm…

She turns around to look at me, “yes?”

“c-could I at least h-have a k-kiss from you? It’s become a habit, you know…b-but it’s okay if you aren’t comfortable with it, I won’t f-force you or anything…” I scratch at the back of my head.

Why am I stuttering?...

She smiled for a while and came closer. She tilts her head a little and lean in, when I was closing my eyes, she end up kissing me at the edge of my lips. Her lips didn’t touch my lips, but it was pretty close to my lips.

She back up slowly from me and smile…

“There…satisfied?” she smiles to me.

“y-yeah…” I started stuttering again.

“well, see you…” she keep smiling. She walks away from me and out from the room.

I put my palm the place where she kisses me, I smiled to myself. Then, I look at the roll of money in my hand. My face suddenly turns disappointed when I look at the roll of money. I take another big sighed and walk out of the room.

I guess that’s a new start…god really knows how to make me fall to my knees…


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